Many were very sad when google chose not to update Nexus 4 to Android 6.0 Marshmallow. This simple guide will show you how to build Android 6.0 Marshamllow for Nexus 4. You’ll be amazed how simple it is. And for the lazy, I also have a pre-built AOSP Marshmallow image set to download on the bottom of this page. Also, LTE works in this set of images
Since Nexus 4 was originally a Google-Play-equipped device, you can legally insall Google Apps on this image and enjoy a full Google Android 6.0 experience on your Nexus 4. That part, however, is up to you to do yourself. I am not offering GApps downloads here.
- Download Android 5.1.1 AOSP sources
- Download Android 6.0 AOSP sources
- Download Binary blobs for Nexus 4 (mako) for LMY48T
- Download Nexus7 (razor) factory images for 6.0 (MRA58K)
- from 5.1.1 AOSP copy to 6.0 the /device/lge/mako folder
- you may now delete 5.1.1 sources
- apply the diff from the package below to that folder
- extract proprietary binaries for Mako
- lunch & make Marshmallow for mako (to produce simg2img mostly)
- use simg2img on the Nexus7 factory /system image to convert it to a normal ext4 image
- mount nexus7 /system image and copy the following files from it over the corresponding files in your build folder provided by binary blob packages:
- /vendor/lib/egl/
- /vendor/lib/egl/
- /vendor/lib/egl/
- /vendor/lib/egl/
- /vendor/lib/egl/
- /vendor/lib/egl/
- /vendor/lib/
- /vendor/lib/
- /vendor/lib/
- /vendor/lib/
- /vendor/lib/
- /vendor/lib/
- /vendor/lib/
- replace prebuilt mako kernel with provided kernel (all the patches that went into it over the 5.1.1 kernel are included)
- make clean & build Marshmallow for Mako again
- flash & enjoy. Tested: WiFi, BT, GPS, NFC, Cellular, Camera
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